Uludag Textile Exporters Association (UTİB) was established in Bursa in 1986 within the body of Uludag Exporters’ Associations. As of the beginning of 2021, UTİB has 2,849 active members.
Today, our Union exports to more than 160 countries and regions in all continents of the world, especially Germany, USA, Spain, United Kingdom, Romania, Netherlands, Italy, Egypt, Poland and Morocco, and reached a total export value of 1 billion 18 million dollars by the end of 2020. . Uludağ Textile Exporters Association has organized many congresses, workshops, International R&D Project Market, national participation in international fairs, purchasing committees, trend areas, seminars, training, TechXtile Start-Up Challenge, etc. in recent years. organizes events. In addition, it has succeeded in being an example to the sector and other leading sectors with its projects and activities.
The textile industry is one of the traditional branches of industry in our country, and it is one of the cornerstones of the success story in industry and exports. The Turkish textile and apparel industry as a whole is the first sector with the highest foreign trade surplus (15+ billion dollars per year). In addition, it has a very serious contribution to the reduction of unemployment and the welfare of society with the employment it creates. The Turkish Textile Industry has a very special place in the world in terms of product quality, designs that have the power to determine fashion and trends, and high technology. The sector, which ranks first in our country in parameters such as its share in GDP and domestic input use, forms the basis of our existence in global markets.
Turkey, in the textile sector; The installed capacity in our country is the sixth in the world in terms of the number of spindles; It ranks fourth in the number of rotors. Turkey is the largest textile-producing country on the European continent. In addition, our country is the seventh largest cotton producer in the world. The machinery park established for the production of embroidery and guipure in home textiles is the largest in the world. Europe’s largest duvet cover factory is in Turkey. It is one of the world’s top three suppliers of towels. Turkey’s share in world textile exports is approximately 3%, 4.5% in home and place textiles, and 1.5% in technical textiles(2020).
UTİB Board of Directors